Local school districts report attendance increase this year

Ash Grove fastest growing, followed by Republic, Willard
With the beginning of the new school year in the rear view, statistics have been made available regarding the growing student body at local schools. Of the three school districts located in the Greene County Commonwealth coverage area in western Greene County, Ash Grove is currently the fastest growing district, followed by Republic and Willard.
Local district attendance numbers are as follows:

Ash Grove (45 student increase):
- Ash Grove Elementary (PK-3): 279
- Bois D’Arc Elementary (4-6): 179
- Junior High/High School:  338
District total: 796

Ash Grove Elementary (PK-3): 259
Bois D’Arc Elementary (4-6): 174
Junior High/High School: 318
District total: 751

Republic (32 student increase):
- Elementary: 2,379
- Republic Middle School: 1,237
- Republic High School: 1,571
District total: 5,187

- Elementary: 2,396
- Republic Middle School: 1,220
- Republic High School: 1,539
District total: 5,155

Willard (five student increase)
- Elementary: 1,606
-Intermediate school: 646
- Middle school: 708
- High school: 1,389
District total: 4,349

Elementary: 1,641
Intermediate school: 676
Middle school: 696
High school: 1,331
District total: 4,344


Lawrence County Record

312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712


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