Ash Grove R-4 to pursue no-tax-increase bond issue on April ballot

Ryan Squibb

Ash Grove High School, shown above, will likely see upgrades in the form of parking lots and driving lanes if the bond passes in April. The preponderance of funds however will be used for a major addition to Ash Grove Elementary.

Voters to decide if district gets relief from cramped quarters
The Ash Grove Board of Education voted 5-0 at the body’s Jan. 22 meeting to ask district voters to pass “Proposition Pirates”—a $7.5 million no-tax-increase bond issue on the April 8 ballot.
If passed, the money will be used toward a variety of issues burdening the district, which has grown by 63 students over last year’s enrollment. During a presentation made by Steve Telscher, of Sapp Design—the company hired to lead the project— an outline was given as to how the money could be spent.
The bond’s biggest highlight would be a 9,800 square foot addition to Ash Grove Elementary, which is currently cramped for space and employing the use of a double wide trailer to get by.
Also on the list at Ash Grove would be the addition of more parking and a drive on the west side of the high school.
On the wish list for Bois D’Arc Elementary School would be new windows and the remediation of old walls and an old plaster ceiling that sits above the current drop ceiling in the original part of the structure.
Described as a non-negotiable, must have, are new HVAC units and new roofing district-wide for all buildings in need.
By asking voters for a $7.5 million no-tax-increase bond this go round, it will allow the district to ask for $7 million five years from now, again as a no-tax-increase. The board opted for this format instead of $12 million now and $3 million in five years which would’ve required a tax increase.
If voters agree to a $7 million bond issue in five years, Telscher described plans that could include a 12,000 square foot multi-purpose building at Bois D’Arc—which would replace the current outdated kitchen and cafeteria, and a new 11,500 square foot building on the high school campus that would consolidate multiple buildings including the agriculture and FACS building.
This will be the second bond issue request in two years from the district. Last year’s ballot measure failed by less than 1 percent, which was upheld by a recount.

In other business
- During the Public Input portion of the meeting, former board member Wendell Wycuff spoke in opposition to the board’s voting in support of a four-day school week change at last month’s meeting. Wycuff cited that the board acted against its own policy in the move and should revote.
“These things will have political consequences if you do not rescind the vote and start over,” Wycuff said.

Closed Session
In the closed session meeting prior to the open session portion, the board accepted multiple resignations, including longtime educator Diana Lobdell, who teaches junior high math. Her resignation is effective June 30, 2025. Also, resigning were Kylee Smith, effective June 30, 2025 and Heather Schnepper, whose resignation was effective immediately.


Lawrence County Record

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