Details matter when it comes to biosecurity
Pay attention to details to prevent disease outbreaks in livestock, says Corinne Bromfield, University of Missouri Extension swine veterinarian.
She is part of a multi-agency team that will teach free biosecurity workshops across Missouri in March. The workshops will tell how to prevent and manage emerging livestock diseases.
Bromfield says good herd health management begins with an ongoing relationship between a veterinarian and herd owner.
Biosecurity covers anything or anyone—people, vehicles, rodents—entering the area where livestock grows. Protocols and training for delivery drivers, workers and family reduce risk.
She offers these suggestions:
• Restrict who and what enters your operation. Visitors can carry disease on equipment, vehicles, clothing and shoes. Post signs and enforce.
• Have buffer zones where employees change shoes and put on site-specific booties and protective clothing.
• Insist that employees and visitors adhere to policies. Put policies in writing and review regularly with employees.
• Keep food, drink and personal items such as cellphones out of production areas.
• Isolate new or returning animals. Watch carefully for signs of disease. Work with isolated pigs last to prevent carrying any diseases to the main herd.
• Wash, sanitize and fully dry all areas routinely. Wash with hot water and soap. Follow label instructions.
• Control wildlife and rodents that can carry disease. Use fencing and bird netting. Keep bait stations filled.
• Disinfect sorting boards.
• Sanitize trucks entering the facility. Place feed bins close to edges of the farm. Have packages delivered off-site.
Bromfield says producers can learn more at the workshop. It runs 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at these locations:
• March 6, Hunter Civic Center, Versailles.
• March 8, Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield.
• March 13, MU Extension Center in Cape Girardeau County, Jackson.
• March 15, Missouri Department of Conservation Northeast Regional Office, Kirksville.
• March 18, Missouri Western State University, Leah Spratt Hall, St. Joseph.
This course has been approved for four hours of veterinary continuing education.
Register before Feb. 27 to reserve lunch, workshop materials and a free USB flash drive loaded with biosecurity information. For more information, contact Kristi Perry at There is a downloadable registration form and additional biosecurity information at
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712