FCS Financial stockholders elect directors, Bergmann on board
Through a mail and electronic ballot, the stockholders of FCS Financial elected four directors to the board. Elected by the cooperative’s member-owners were incumbent Kenny Bergmann of Walnut Grove; incumbent Mark Pierce of Dekalb; Dale Ridder of Hermann, and David Wright of Emden.
FCS Financial provides credit and financial services to agricultural producers, agricultural-related businesses and rural residents. The board consists of 12 elected and 3 appointed members and has 12 areas of representation.
Bergmann, 51, was elected to a four-year term representing Christian, Dallas, Douglas, Greene, Laclede, Polk, Taney, Webster and Wright counties.
He and his wife, Karen, have three children. He is a fourth generationfarmerwithfifthand sixth generations actively participating in the farming operations. They own 601 acres and rent an
additional 591 acres and produce alfalfa, wheat, fescue seed and brome and raise 200-head cow/ calf herd and background up to 150-head.
Bergmann earned an Agricultural Business Management degree from Missouri State University. He is corporate sales manager for S&H Farm Supply.
Bergmann is a member of the Dadeville R-11 School District Board serving as president since 2003. Prior to this appointment, he served 14 years with the Polk County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors.
Along with his family, Bergmann is a life-long member at the Church of God at Eudora, where he teaches adult Bible classes. He volunteers as a sponsor/counselor at Harmony Hill Youth Camp.
Bergmann has served on the FCS Financial Board of Directors since 2010, currently presiding as chairman.
Lawrence County Record
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Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712