Over 850 attend Republic’s 15th Annual Father Daughter Dance

The City of Republic’s Parks and Recreation Department held its 15th annual Fathers/Daughters Valentine Dance at the city’s community center on Friday, Feb. 1. About 850 people, including 430 daughters, attended.
The event featured dancing with music provided by a live DJ, a free 5x7 portrait for fathers and daughters to remember the evening by, Glo items for the girls, as well as food and drink. The girls also got a free goody bag filled with candy and gifts as they left for the evening.
Steffi Weaver, recreation supervisor, said the dance is meant to be a special time for fathers and daughters to share.
“We really just want to have an event for our fathers and daughters in our community that brings everybody together,” she said. “Something unique, something they can do as like a date night; just something fun for the community.”
For many of the fathers and daughters, the dance has become a tradition. Matt Wilkie brought his daughter Parker, 16, to the dance to “keep the streak of 13 Daddy- Daughter dances alive.”
Asked what made the dance so special for him, Wilkie answered in one word.
“Parker,” he said.
Parker herself said she also enjoyed spending time with her father.
“I get to have special one-on-one time with him and watch him be goofy and pull out dance moves from 100 years ago,” she said.
For Tony Dunning and his daughter, Leah, 10, the dance is also a tradition. Dunning said it was their fifth year at the event.
“It’s just a nice time to spend two-and-a-half hours with my daughter,” he said. I don’t have to worry about anything else but just dancing and hanging out. We just like hanging out together and having a good time.”
Leah said she also liked attending the dance with her father.
“I like dancing with my dad and having fun with all the light up stuff,” she said.
“And the cupcakes,” Dunning added.
Lawrence County Record
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