Ozarks Food Harvest kicks off Fight Hunger Faster match challenge
The Food Bank is challenging supporters to raise $10,000 for hunger relief through its new Fight Hunger Faster Match Challenge. DairiConcepts will match every donation up to $10,000, dollar-for-dollar, until the match is met.
Typically, a one dollar donation helps provide four meals to hungry children, families and seniors in the Ozarks. With Fight Hunger Faster, each dollar will help provide eight meals, and $10,000 will help provide 80,000 meals.
The Food Bank is accepting donations for Fight Hunger Faster on its website and at its warehouse in Springfield. Online donations can be made securely at ozarksfoodharvest.org/donate with the “Fight Hunger Faster Match Challenge” designation in the drop-down menu.
Ozarks Food Harvest— the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri—serves more than 261,000 unduplicated individuals each year in 28 counties throughout the Ozarks. With both food and fund donations, The Food Bank provides more than 1.4 million meals per month to children, families and seniors in need.
“We’re excited to invite the community to participate in this match challenge,” said Denise Gibson, development and communication director at Ozarks Food Harvest. “Thanks to DairiConcepts’ generosity, each person who chooses to make a gift will double their impact to help fight hunger across our 28-county service area.”
DairiConcepts is a provider of premium, dairy-inspired ingredients for the food industry. Since 2015, the company’s gifts of volunteer time and funds have helped The Food Bank distribute more than 150,000 meals.
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712