SAFETY: Lifeguards get training thanks to regional effort
“You have a lot of weight on your shoulders,” Casey Larson of Greenfield, formerly of Creston, told Greenfield Pool lifeguards during a recent training put on by Greater Regional Medical Center paramedics.
Paramedics Larson and Jen Worisek of Creston led the training which also involved local firefighters and Greenfield police.
“It will be seven to eight minutes before responders arrive. The lifeguards saved the Stuart girl, not the paramedics.” That incident in Stuart encouraged Larson and Worisek to set up this training.
Each lifeguard participated in different scenarios involving victims, played by firefighters or police, with spinal injuries or needing breathing assistance or CPR. Some comments heard: “You have the head, which is most important.” “Your job is keeping him breathing for the rest of his life.” “You would both be freaking out. You need to maintain your composure.”
Larson told the lifeguards, “This is your scene. You are in charge. You own this.” He talked about dealing with the many other children in the pool and being forceful with parents.
Following the training he told the group, “You did great! I saw a great improvement from the first scenario to the last.”
Worisek said, “Now you know different things to think about.”
Fire Chief Todd Lewis said, “What is most important is to communicate, communicate, communicate! Don’t argue.”
Larson told the group, “We plan to do this more in the future. We have a great foundation to go on.”
Lifeguard Gabe Holder said, “The training helped keep our skills up.” He said he feels future sessions would be beneficial.
Lawrence County Record
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