Davis to lead Republic volleyball

Republic has hired a new volleyball coach for the 2019 season. She’s Allison Davis, who comes to Republic af- ter serving the last several seasons as head coach at Parkview.
Davis took over at Parkview five years ago, with the program at a low point and struggling to find players. Her first team didn’t win a match all season. Her next two teams won two and five matches, respectively. In her fourth year, though,
Parkview turned the corner, winning 10 matches. Last fall, the Vikings won 20.
Before coaching at Parkview, she was head coach at Pierce City. Two of her teams went to the state quarterfinals and she was Spring River Valley Confer- ence coach of the year in 2011 and 2013.
Activities Director Trev- yor Fisher said he was im- pressed with Davis’ “ability to develop relationships with kids and get them to buy into
her program, and just have that positive culture.”
In a press release, Da- vis said she looks forward to “building on the prior successes of this Republic program by setting expecta- tions for each athlete that instills a hunger for success and becoming the best they can be on and off the court. I’m excited to meet the team and begin preparing for next season.”
Lawrence County Record
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