Tiger O’Connell’s 100th win highlights wrestling weekend

Jonathan O’Connell’s 100th career victory high- lighted Republic’s perfor- mance at the Columbia Hickman Invitational. The Tigers took only four wres- tlers to Columbia, but two of them came away with victories.
O’Connell’s 100th career win came Friday against Aydin Rodriguez of Colum- bia Rock Bridge. O’Connell pinned Rodriguez in the
first round. It helped set up an undefeated weekend for O’Connell, who finished first at 138 pounds. He’s 23–1 this year, with his only loss coming at the Kinloch Clas- sic, where he was wrestling up a weight class.
Michael Taylor, wrestling at 132 for Republic, also won the tournament title. Taylor beat Clayton Hurley of Jef- ferson City in the champi- onship match to improve to
26–5 this season. Wyatt George placed
third at 106. His only loss was in the semifinals, to undefeated Owen Uhls of Fulton. George rebounded to win his next two matches, including a sudden victory over Ethan Barr of Hickman in the third-place match.
Gabe Hesington also competed, winning his last two matches at 126 and finishing 11th overall.


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